Ukraine, Kiev, Patriarch M. Skrypnyk Street, 58
Active in the education sector since 1995.
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Головна /   Фотошкола

Photography School

Photography School offers courses for beginner photographers as well as for those who want to improve their skills in photography, videography, editing, retouching, and enhancing captured images. We provide a rich, effective, and competitive training program. An individual approach to each student and a strong focus on practical sessions will help you gain the knowledge, skills, and expertise needed to create outstanding photographs.

Professional photographer-instructors at the center teach how to work with professional equipment, explore its full functionality, and use it as effectively as possible during shooting.

Для перегляду програми навчання натисніть на назву потрібного курсу в прайс-листі

назва курсу академ.
вартість курсу(грн)
за місяць
(12 занять)
загальна для
фіз осіб
зі знижкою загальна для
юр осіб
Фотошкола для начинающих
64 3072 3379
108 2496 5616 5054 6177
136 2640 7480 6732 8228
28 1300 1430
16 2200 2420
28 2800 3080
Собственный бизнес: Фотостудия
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