Ukraine, Kiev, Patriarch M. Skrypnyk Street, 58
Active in the education sector since 1995.
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Головна /   Школа психологии

Psychology School

Psychology School offers educational, developmental and psychotherapeutic courses for those who are not satisfied with the usual way of relationships, who are not happy with themselves, who have felt boredom and "grayness" of their lives, as well as for all those who want to develop and improve in psychology and psychotherapy.

Participants in the programs will be able to get acquainted with different methods of psychotherapy in practical classes, feel their effectiveness in practice, and adjust their own ways of interacting with the world around them.

Для перегляду програми навчання натисніть на назву потрібного курсу в прайс-листі

назва курсу академ.
вартість курсу(грн)
за місяць
(12 занять)
загальна для
фіз осіб
зі знижкою загальна для
юр осіб
Психология для работы и бизнеса
60 4000 7000 6300 7700
16 2500 2750
20 3000 3300
Семейная психология
12 2000 2200
20 2500 2750
36 4250 4675
Личностный рост (soft-skills)
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